Healthcare Industry
Project Experience
National Patient Safety Agency
- Investigation of factors affecting patient mis-matching.
- Aggregate root cause analysis.
NHS Scotland
- Large-scale survey of reporting culture and behaviour in all major health boards.
- NHS Scotland organisational impact evaluation study.
- Peer Review evaluation (blood transfusion).
- NHS Scotland review of incident reporting procedures and recommendations for new system.
National Blood Service
- Development of an Error Management Programme combined with a training course based on understanding the underlying causes of human errors and providing the tools and techniques for reducing the incidence of these errors.
The Health Foundation
- Human Factors advisors to Safer Clinical Systems.
- Improvement leads for two NHS Trusts.
Hackney Children and Young People's Services
- Evaluation of Reclaiming Social Work - a radical and innovative approach to providing social services.
- Development and application of tools to measure culture and impact of organisational change.